I will not claim to be an expert in life, or death, or cancer, or grief, or perseverance, or especially single parenting. This is simply my story. The story of one family, one man who fought cancer, and one woman who was left standing alone when the battle was done. It is a story of the pain, hope and perseverance that ensued.
My hope is that my writings will be encouraging to anyone who has ever or will ever walk a difficult path. My approach is encouragement through realism because life IS real
I’m excited you’re doing this! I wanted to try this out and see if it works.
You are a great writer and have much to share. Thanks for taking a leap and pursuing it!
Love you!
Well, you got it out there! Good for you. I’ve read every word and there’s a lump in my throat. I have great hope in the One Who is giving you the strength to live each day and hearing your story verifies that Christ is real. I love you, dear friend!
Thanks for sharing your journey and allowing us to peer into that amazing heart and mind of yours. Reading your words reduces the many miles between us. Love you, my friend.
God is so faithful. He is the master of turning beauty from ashes. He is our hope! Thank you for displaying His faithfulness.
Praying for your family.
I’m so proud of you! Your courage blows me away. Praying with you in this and I know that you have already been such a blessing to so many. Love you my friend.