Reflections From the Heart

Pursuing a Master’s – Insanity or Just Insanity?

And so it starts, a new journey. My first task as a Master’s student, writing an introductory paragraph about myself, has been completed. Looking at the syllabus it is by far the easiest task assigned. I’m OK with an easy start. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t nervous about how I’m going to complete this. In fact, over the past few weeks I have tried desperately to talk myself into withdrawing. But it never seemed right.

God has laid this on my heart and until He changes the desire, I will pursue it. That does not mean He will make it easy. Following God is rarely easy. But He will make it possible.

It isn’t actually the thought of it being possible or not that made me consider withdrawing. It is the question of whether it even makes sense? I am already struggling to meet the demands of full-time employment and single parenting (both of which are still new to me). Adding the burden of course work almost seems insane.

Further, it is illogical, the pursuit of a Master’s in Theology, when you are an accountant with no plans to change careers. New Testament I is not destined to influence my work in the slightest.

Thankfully, God does not often work through what makes sense by my standard. There is example after example in the Bible of Him using insane scenarios to touch lives. Consider just these few:

* Balaam and the talking donkey (Numbers 22:21-31)
* The Israelites Crossing the Red Sea on Dry Ground (Exodus 14:21-22)
* Jesus Feeds 5,000 with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish (Matthew 14:15-21)

Isn’t every miracle, when compared to what makes sense, insane in its own right? So it is with an anxious, yet determined, heart that I take this (insane) next step. Wondering if, how and when God will use it. Ultimately this is what having a peace in knowing God is all about. It is confidence that an action or pursuit is correct despite the accompanied fear and unknown.

If God lays something on your heart that aligns with His word, even though it does not make sense, pursue it. You never know where it might take you.

1 Comment

  1. Haley

    Praying for you and your girls, every insane step of the way!

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